Phone Directory
Animal Shelters Located in Vermilion County Illinois:
🐾 C.A.R.A.
*Not animal control.
*No stray intake.
609 E 5th Street
Tilton, IL 61833
*Not animal control.
*No stray intake.
Hoopeston Animal Rescue Team
901 W Main
Hoopeston, IL 60942
🐾 Humane Society of Danville
*Not animal control.
*No stray intake.
1225 N Collett Street
Danville, IL 61832
🐾 VCDAR in Danville, IL
*Animal Control for Vermilion County
*Open intake shelter.
14775 Catlin Tilton Road
Danville, IL 61834
Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30
Call 217-431-2660 and press #1
All after hours emergency calls must go through 911 for Animal Control to be dispatched in Vermilion County.
Veterinary Hospitals Located in Vermilion County Illinois:
Danville Small Animal Clinic
1772 Georgetown Rd
Tilton, IL 61832
🐾 217-443-3933
East Lake Hospital for Animals
3180 N Vermilion St.
Danville, IL 61832
🐾 217-446-3010
Fairchild Animal Hospital
619 Oak St
Danville, IL 61832
🐾 217-442-9009
Middlefork Veterinary Clinic
7961 East 2500 North Rd
Collison, IL 61831
🐾 217-776-2365
Stateline Hillcrest Animal Hospital
3361 Lynch Ct
Danville, IL 61834
🐾 217-443-8387
Additional Contact Information:
Illinois Department of Agriculture
801 E Sangamon Ave
Springfield, IL
🐾 217-782-2172
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
1 Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702
🐾 217-782-6302
University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Offers 24 hour Emergency Care Services
1008 Hazelwood Dr
Urbana, IL 61802
🐾 217-333-5300
Wildlife Medical Clinic
2100 S Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
🐾 217-244-1195
🐾 888-426-4435